English 中文
Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


Official E-mail:
Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《百舸争流 Boat Race》 No.A00268
Title:《晨韵 Morning》 No.A00733
Title:《 generations》 No.A00040
Title:《今时古韵》 No.A00129
Title:《wedding day》 No.A00859
Title:《风雪追捕 Race against all odds》 No.A00343
Title:《五台山禅修 Meditate in Wutai Mountain》 No.A00224
Title:《共享美好未来 Share the Future》 No.A00785
Title:《光照大地 Light on the earth》 No.A00370
Title:《人生如戏》 No.A00062
Title:《雄鸡飞舞漫天雪》 No.A00159
Title:《万马奔腾 Ten thousand steeds gallop》 No.A00232
Title:《金水泛舟 Boating in golden river》 No.A00354
Title:《夕照满空林 Sunset glow on remote forest》 No.A00389
Title:《齐心协力 Efforts in one direction》 No.A00576
Title:《United in the dance》 No.A00606
Title:《奔放 Bold》 No.A00836
Title:《影像修造船 Image repair ship》 No.A00610

Monochrome Section

Title:《月升》 No.B00075
Title:《西行孤影 Journey to the West》 No.B00236
Title:《远山》 No.B00033
Title:《手艺人》 No.B00092
Title:《古道清风 Ancient style》 No.B00320
Title:《疯狂的节庆 The Crazy Festival》 No.B00188
Title:《横空出世卧龙桥 Wulong Spanning Bridge in the Air》 No.B00219
Title:《踩高跷》 No.B00484
Title:《The diary in hand》 No.B00431
Title:《鹤的故乡》 No.B00030
Title:《海的馈赠 Gift of the Sea》 No.B00176
Title:《孔雀开屏》 No.B00482
Title:《泥塘迪舞 Disco in the muddy fields》 No.B00299
Title:《壮阔雪山 Magnificent Snow Mountain》 No.B00160
Title:《The mystery》 No.B00446
Title:《Waterfall of Changbai Mountain》 No.B00213
Title:《不夜城 Sleepless City》 No.B00152
Title:《风起云涌 Rising wind and scudding clouds》 No.B00158

Exhibition Review